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ExTiX 20.2 Is the First Distro to Be Based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Linux Kernel 5.5

ExTiX 20.2

ExTiX 20.2 distribution has been released today and it appears to be the first GNU/Linux distribution to be based on the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating system and the Linux 5.5 kernel series.

Developer Arne Exton announced earlier a new version of his ExTiX GNU/Linux distribution, dubbed “The Ultimate Linux System”, which is based on the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) operating system, but uses KDE Plasma as default desktop environment and Calamares as default installer.

ExTiX 20.2 is also one of the first GNU/Linux distributions to adopt the recently released Linux 5.5 kernel series, which brings a new Airtime Queue Limits (AQL) feature, SMB multichannel support, SMB rootfs, a new unit testing framework called kunit, Btrfs RAID1 with 3- and 4- copies, and three new Btrfs checksums.

Best of all, the included Linux kernel has been patched for the latest Nvidia 440.44 proprietary graphics driver for Nvidia GPUs. This is good news for Linux gaming, but considering the fact that the OS is based on an unstable Ubuntu release, it’s not recommended for daily use.

“ExTiX 20.2 is not for “daily use” I would say. Having said that I also must say that I haven’t bumped into any problems when running ExTiX 20.2 on my computers. I also must say that this version of ExTiX is very fast and responsive. Especially if you run ExTiX from RAM,” said developer Arne Exton.

The best thing about the ExTiX 20.2 is that it comes with the Refracta Snapshot utility pre-installed, which lets you create your own live and installable Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system in minutes, even while running the live OS (that means without installing ExTiX on your PC.

You can download ExTiX 20.2 right now using the link below, but we only recommend it to those who want to experiment with the Linux 5.5 kernel on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS base, so make sure you don’t install it on a production machine.

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