First Arch Linux ISO Powered by Linux Kernel 6.2 Is Now Available for Download

The Arch Linux 2023.03.01 snapshot for March 2023 ships with Linux kernel 6.2.1 and archinstall 2.5.3.
Arch Linux Kernel 6.2

Arch Linux’s ISO snapshot for March 2023 (2023.03.01) is now available for download for those of you who want to perform a fresh Arch Linux installation with the latest Linux 6.2 kernel and archinstall text-mode installer.

As expected, Arch Linux 2023.03.01 is the first ISO release of the popular GNU/Linux distribution to be powered by the latest and greatest Linux 6.2 kernel. The ISO ships with Linux kernel 6.2.1 by default.

Also included in the Arch Linux 2023.03.01 release is the latest archinstall 2.5.3 text-mode installer, which brings an improved disk encryption menu, including HSM, improved partitioning reliability, new data classes (DiskEncryption and Fido2 with Fido2Device) for individual devices, the ability to fetch information about block devices, and new translations for Ukrainian, Korean, and Chinese (PRC).

archinstall 2.5.3 also fixes a couple of bugs, including the issue where you had to wait for archlinux-keyring to be populated by additional services before installation and a bug where the installer failed to read the “/dev/sdaX” disk with lsblk. However, this last fix slowed disk selection and operations in this release.

“Disk selection & disk operations will be slow in this release, bear with us until the next release when we optimize. The program is not hanging, it’s just slow! We apologize, but it’s in favor of fixing,” said the devs.

If you want to deploy Arch Linux on new computers with Linux kernel 6.2, as well as all the latest bug and security fixes released since February 1st, 2023, you should download the Arch Linux 2023.03.01 ISO release from the official website. The ISO image can be written on a CD or a USB flash drive.

Everyone else happily running Arch Linux need only to make sure your installations are up to date by running the sudo pacman -Syu command in your favorite terminal emulator. The Arch Linux 2023.03.01 ISO release is intended for new installations only.

Last updated 1 year ago

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