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KDE Gear 24.02.1 Improves Dolphin, Spectacle, Okular, and Other KDE Apps

KDE Gear 24.02.1

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The KDE Project released today KDE Gear 24.02.1 as the first maintenance update to the latest KDE Gear 24.02 software suite bringing bug fixes and improvements for many of the default KDE applications.

KDE Gear 24.02.1 improves Dolphin’s icon to once again change with the accent color, improves the Spectacle screenshot utility to allow users to take screenshots immediately after a screen recording, and addresses a glitch with multi-line text selection in the Okular document viewer.

The Kdenlive video editor received numerous fixes for bugs related to font corruption, timeline panning with the middle mouse button, incorrect saving of some sequence properties, a startup crash, a crash when trying to recover a backup after opening a corrupted file, multiple subtitles issues, and a crash when moving a single item in a group.

This release also improves the Gwenview image viewer to no longer crash when opening certain FITS image files and improves the Dolphin file manager to no longer cause all of its panels to be hidden when minimizing a Dolphin window and to save the “Open Archives as Folders”‘ setting.

KDE Gear 24.02.1 also improves the Yakuake drop-down terminal emulator to no longer crash when using certain skins, improves Elisa music player’s mobile playlist and keyboard accessibility, and updates the KAlarm app with the ability to play remote audio files.

The Kate text editor received some changes as well so that its tooltip is now hidden after opening the context menu, better handles URLs, improve safety so that it won’t crash on non arrays, fix rainbow highlighting breaks when removing a bracket, and improve tab switcher’s performance when opening a large number of documents.

On top of that, KClock’s timer was ported to play a ringing sound through a custom alarm player rather than notifications, KDEPIM received etesync and NTLMv2 support, Kleopatra’s loading and saving of configuration files was fixed, and the Knights chess game no longer crashes during game over.

The Konsole terminal emulator now supports non-BMP codepoints in the HTMLDecoder, KSudoku received improved HiDPI rendering in the game view, and the Tokodon client for Mastodon now features margins to the video player controls, improved keyboard navigation in the sidebar, and notifications grouping by default.

Apps like NeoChat, Merkuro, KWalletManager, KTorrent, KOrganizer, Konversation, Konqueror, KMail, KHangMan, KCalc, KAtomic, KBackup, Kalk, Itinerary, AudioTube, Ark, Angelfish, Alligator, Akregator, Cantor, and KAddressBook also received small changes, so check out the full changelog for more details.

KDE Gear 24.02.1 will make its way into the stable software repositories of various popular GNU/Linux distributions so make sure that you keep your installations up to date at all times to enjoy a better KDE Plasma 6 desktop and app experience.

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