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KDE Ships June 2020 Apps Update, Kup Backup System Is Now an Official App

June 2020 Apps Update

The KDE Project has released the June 2020 Apps update, the second installment in the latest KDE Applications 20.04 open-source software suite.

That’s right, KDE Applications 20.04.2 is here, coming hot on the heels of the KDE Plasma 5.19 desktop environment, and it’s packed with a new version of the Kup Backup System utility and several bug fixes and improvements for other included applications.

The June 2020 Apps update ships with Kup 0.8, a hefty release that introduces a new way to store rsync type backups when selecting only one source folder to minimize the risk of deleting files, improvements across default settings, as well as new advanced option to specify files that are excluded.

Moreover, Kup now supports bup metadata version 3, show fewer warnings about files not being included, will perform backup integrity checks and repairs simultaneously based on the number of available CPUs, and will no longer ask you for a password when unlocking encrypted external drives.

The user interface also received a bit of attention and a Python 3 port of the Bup versioned backups is coming shortly, but what’s most important is that Kup is now finally an official KDE app.

“It was previously developed outside of KDE, but this last month is has passed the Incubation process and joined our community, becoming officially a KDE project. The lead developer, Simon Persson, has celebrated with a new release,” said KDE.

The June 2020 Apps update also ships with new and improved versions of the Tellico collection manager with an updated filter dialog that allows matching against empty text, the SMB4K local network browser with the ability to save settings on exit, and a new bugfix version of the powerful KDevelop IDE.

The KMail email client was updated as well to better generate HTML code when adding a HTML signature to emails and the Konsole terminal emulator now features an updated cursor position for input methods like IBus and Fcitx, and a fix for a crash that occurred when the app was closed via the menu.

The KDE Applications 20.04.2 packages should soon arrive in the stable software repositories of your favorite GNU/Linux distribution, so updating is highly recommended for all users. The next planned release in the KDE Applications 20.04 series is also the last, scheduled for July 9th.

Meanwhile, the KDE Project revealed today the final release schedule for the upcoming KDE Applications 20.08 open-source software suite, which will see the light of day on August 13th, on my birthday!

Image: KDE

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