Nitrux 1.4.1 Released with Plasma System Monitor, Heroic Games Launcher, and Pacstall

Nitrux 1.4.1

Uri Herrera announced today the release and general availability of Nitrux 1.4.1, the first ISO point release in the latest 1.4 stable series of this Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution focused on KDE software.

The monthly release cycle continues, and Nitrux 1.4.1 is here as the ISO release for May 2021, adding the latest KDE apps and Plasma desktop environment. Included, you can find KDE Plasma 5.21.5, KDE Gear 21.04.1, as well as KDE Frameworks 5.82.0.

Not only that, but the KDE Plasma environment has been enriched with a new app, namely Plasma System Monitor, which replaces the old KSysGuard (KDE System Guard) system monitor app. In addition, the Parachute overview and plasma-hud have been updated to make your workflow more productive.

Two new apps made their way into this new Nitrux release, such as Heroic Games Launcher for launching games from the Epic Games Store, as well as Pacstall, a command-line utility to help you install even more apps that aren’t available as DEB packages for Debian-based distros.

Other than that, Nitrux 1.4.1 ships with the latest LibreOffice 7.1.3 office suite, Mozilla Firefox 88.0.1 web browser, Inkscape 1.1 vector graphics editor, Kdenlive 21.04.1 video editor, and Linux kernel 5.10.35 LTS as default kernel.

Of course, Nitrux also supports the Linux 5.4 LTS and the latest Linux 5.12 kernel series, which have been updated to Linux 5.4.122 and Linux 5.12.7. These can be installed from the distro’s repositories.

Lastly, this release removes the MirBSD Korn Shell (mksh) from the distribution and changes the link of /bin/sh to point to GNU Bash shell instead as it caused problems with various upstream packages. Also updated is the SDDM login screen to make the login button work correctly.

You can download Nitrux 1.4.1 right now from the official website or by using the direct download link below. Keep in mind that if you’re using Nitrux 1.4 or a previous release, you don’t need to download the new ISO image, just make sure you have all the latest updates installed.

Last updated 3 years ago

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