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Phosh 0.15.0 Wayland Shell for GNOME on Mobile Devices Adds Full VPN Support, Swipeable Notification Frames

Phosh 0.15.0

Image made by Marius Nestor for - DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION

Phosh, a pure Wayland shell for GNOME on mobile devices, has been updated today to version 0.15.0, a major release that brings new features, improvements, and many bug fixes.

Several months in the works, Phosh 0.15.0 is massive update with hundreds of changes, starting with full support for VPN authentication. This means that there’s now a VPN indicator in the top-bar that displays the VPN state, as well as a VPN quick setting that will appear when there’s at least one VPN configured. In addition, the new VPN implementation supports the WireGuard VPN protocol.

The Phosh 0.15.0 release also adds a swipe-to-remove gesture for notification frames, adds support for arbitrary passwords on the lockscreen through a new button on the keypad that unfolds the on-screen keyboard and shows a text entry to enter passwords, and brings back gamma control protocol support.

The on-screen keyboard (OSK) received some new features too, such an input surface that animates when it’s shown or hidden, the ability to indicate GNOME’s screen-keyboard-enabled setting, and it was made more useful for debugging.

Same goes for the Settings app, which now hides the Docked quick setting when the device is not docked, hides the Torch quick setting when no hardware is found, lets you set or unset mute when setting output stream volume, adds a speakers icon for the volume slider, and moves the media player above the notifcations box.

Furthermore, Phosh 0.15.0 improves the Overview mode to add focus style to the search box and improve the app grid separator styling for better visuals. Talking about styling, this release kicks off a major style refresh, which will probably be completed in a future update.

Last but not least, the “Run command” and “Network authentication” prompts received some improvements, as well as the lockscreen, and users can now activate a selected activity just by hitting the Enter key. Of course, numerous bugs were fixed and many language translations updated.

Phosh 0.15.0 is available for download as a source tarball, which needs to be compiled, from here. If you own a Linux-powered mobile device running the GNOME-based Phosh interface, such as postmarketOS, you should update it when it becomes available in the repositories.

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