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Arch Linux-Based SystemRescue 10 Released with Linux Kernel 6.1 LTS

SystemRescue 10

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Arch Linux-based SystemRescue 10 live Linux toolkit for system rescue and recovery tasks has been released today with new options, new packages, and updated components for top-notch hardware support.

SystemRescue 10 is here three months after the previous release, SystemRescue 9.06, which was the last in the 9.x series. This new series comes with a long-term supported kernel, namely Linux 6.1 LTS, which supports new devices and features.

Several new packages have been added in this release, including the QtPass a graphical frontend for pass that offers a simple password manager supporting GnuPG encryption, casync content-addressable data synchronizer, stressapptest and stress-ng for stress testing a computer system, as well as the Tk GUI toolkit.

SystemRescue 10 also adds a handful of new features, such as grub loopback.cfg support, boot customization hooks for both GRUB and Syslinux bootloaders, and a “gui_autostart” YAML config to let you run programs when X is started.

Among other changes, this release brings back the xf86-video-qxl driver and removes some deprecated autorun features, such as autoruns=, scripts with \r\n, and old paths.

SystemRescue 10 is available for download right now from the official website for 64-bit or 32-bit systems or you can click the direct download link below to grab the 64-bit version. SystemRescue can be used directly from the command line or via its default graphical interface that uses the Xfce 4.18 desktop environment.

SystemRescue doesn’t require installation, so you can just write the ISO image to a USB flash drive using the in-house built SystemRescue USB Writer utility, which is the recommended USB installation method on Linux systems, or a similar tool.

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