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BunsenLabs Linux Lithium Release Hits Stable After Two Years, Based on Debian Buster

BunsenLabs Linux Lithium

After more than two years in development, BunsenLabs Linux Lithium release has finally hit the stable channel today for this OpenBox-based and lightweight Debian GNU/Linux derivative, a continuation of the acclaimed CrunchBang Linux.

The BunsenLabs Team is proud to announce today the official release of BunsenLabs Lithium, a new major release based on the latest Debian GNU/Linux 10 “Buster” operating system series.

As expected, BunsenLabs Linux Lithium is packed with lots of goodies, including the ability to install the distribution on newer computers that use Secure Boot, a new look and feel featuring a brand-new dark theme with custom-colored Papirus icons by default, and more modularity for user to fully customize the distro to their needs.

For example, users can now replace the default Openbox window manager with another desktop environment and keep many of the settings, such as menu item, key bindings, and autostarted apps. Also, the BunsenLabs session now uses jgmenu by default and can coexist with a default Openbox or Xfce sessions.

Also new in this release there’s new init-agnostic and simplified bl-exit script, the default exit program, a new bl-user-setup script that makes it easier to keep user’s configuration files up to date, as well as a new localechooser script that can come in handy to change the system language when you’re not using the LightDM GTK Greeter.

The default software selection suffered some changes as well. For example, the Terminator terminal emulator has been replaced with LXTerminal, Mirage image viewer is now used instead of Ristretto, LibreOffice Calc replaces the popular Gnumeric spreadsheet editor, and the wireless-tools, inxi, and lshw tools were added. You can study the full package list here.

Other noteworthy changes include improved IPP driverless printing, improved BLOB theme manager, better keybindings for Openbox’s window tiling feature, Bluetooth support and other enhancements to the first-boot Welcome script, as well as improvements to the Conky system monitor and Tint2 panel.

If you like lightweight distros and want to use Debian with Openbox, you’ll love BunsenLabs Linux Lithium and the many tweaks it includes, so go check it out now!

The BunsenLabs Linux Lithium release is available for download right now from the official website as a 64-bit live ISO and a minimal, CD-sized 32-bit non-PAE version, which can be extended to full-size by installing the bunsen-meta-all or bunsen-meta-lite metapackages.

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