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KDE Frameworks 5.87 Makes Plasma Discover Faster, Improves Support for Kirigami Apps

KDE Frameworks 5.87

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The KDE Project released today KDE Frameworks 5.87 as the monthly update for September 2021 to this collection of more than 80 add-on libraries to Qt that provide a wide range of commonly needed functionality for the Plasma desktop environment and its apps ecosystem.

KDE Frameworks 5.87 is here to make the Plasma Discover graphical package manager faster when checking for updates and when loading the initial content from any of the Add-Ons categories, fix a crash in the Dolphin file manager, Plasma desktop and other KDE apps when undoing a file copy, and to adds icons in the Breeze icon theme for different types of Godot Engine files.

Furthermore, KDE Frameworks 5.87 greatly improves support for Kirigami-based apps by making the header text in their toolbars smaller to better match the scale of everything around it, add correct spacing between items in narrow and mobile-style form layouts within groups, add support for navigating between sidebar list items using the arrow and Enter keys, as well as to hide some textual headers.

A new feature introduced in this new KDE Frameworks update is support for basic UI elements in the Plasma desktop environment to follow the same style that was rolled out recently for KDE apps, improving the visibility of the focus effect, especially for checkboxes and sliders.

Also new is a “Generate Barecode” context menu option in the standard “Share” menu found in various KDE apps, allowing users to more easily generate a QR code when from a URL. Moreover, when generating a QR code for text using the context menu options in the Clipboard applet and “Share” menu, the function is now referred to as a QR code rather than a barcode.

Also improved in KDE Frameworks 5.87 is the 22x22px versions of the Breeze preferences icons, which are now pixel-perfect and look better anywhere they are displayed at that size, such as in the System Settings’ sidebar, KTimeTracker’s icon, the properties dialog to show the filename for read-only files, as well as the header bars on the top of many Plasma applets to respect the color scheme of your system.

Among other changes, there’s a new context menu item in the Open dialog to make it easier for users to open the selected file in a different external app, files copied using KDE apps now use the the same permissions as they had in the original location, file ACLs set in the Properties dialog are now applied correctly when reopening the dialog after changing them, and the highlight effect was improved for expandable list items in the System Tray.

Also worth mentioning is that Plasma’s newly introduced gear-style spinner for app loading and other spinning progress indicators has been removed for now as it didn’t looked good in some contexts, and the Window Rules window now correctly shows its footer content/controls when accessed from a window’s titlebar context menu. For more details on the changes implemted in the KDE Frameworks 5.87 release, check out the full changelog.

Images courtesy of Nate Graham

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