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KeePassXC Password Manager Gets Better Xfce Support, Improved Password Generator


The KeePassXC open-source password manager has been updated today to version 2.6.1, a release that introduces better support for the lightweight Xfce desktop environment, improved password generator experience, and many other changes.

KeePassXC 2.6.1 is the first point release in the latest stable KeePassXC 2.6 series, which was released last month, and introduces several new features, such as support for the Xfce screensaver, a new command for retrieving the current TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) value, as well as a new option for auto-typing only the username or password on websites.

For Linux systems, KeePassXC 2.6.1 also introduces OARS (Open Age Ratings Service) metadata that can be used by GNOME Software and KDE’s Discover package managers, as well as web frontends like Flathub. Also, the man pages have been improved with useful links and a copyright section.

Another exciting change in this release is the much-improved password generator feature, which now pops out selected character groups in the UI, offers an updated layout for the character options, and saves advanced mode settings distinctly from simple mode settings.

Among other noteworthy changes, KeePassXC 2.6.1 no longer forces the user to restart the app when changing themes, changes the action of the F1, F2 and F3 keys to focus on group view (F1), focus on entry view (F2), as well as to focus on search (F3), and skips referenced passwords in the Health check report.

Some improvements for the RPM packages are present as well, along with minor improvements to the browser, clipboard, password database, search functionality, HiDPI support, YubiKey security key support, and SSH agent for a better overall experience and improved performance.

KeePassXC 2.6.1 is available for download right now from the official website. It also landed on some popular distributions, such as Arch Linux, but if you don’t see it in your distro’s repositories in the next few days, you can always get the AppImage binary, which makes installation a breeze. Ubuntu users can use the official PPA.

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