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Linux Mint 20.1 “Ulyssa” Is Coming Just Before Christmas

Linux Mint 20 Beta

The Linux Mint project unveiled today the codename of the upcoming Linux Mint 20.1 release and an approximate release date of mid December.

What’s coming after Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana”? Linux Mint 20.1, of course, and it’s codename has been revealed today by Linux Mint project leader Clement Lefebvre as “Ulyssa,” continuing the long tradition of naming new Linux Mint releases alphabetically.

Linux Mint 20.1 is the first point release of the Linux Mint 20 series, so the codename also uses the “U” letter. As expected, it will be based on Canonical’s latest Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa) point release, which includes various updated packages, but not a major kernel or Mesa graphics stacks bump.

What’s new in Linux Mint 20.1 “Ulyssa”? Besides the updated components borrowed from Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, it will bring hardware video acceleration enabled by default for the Celluloid video player, some important improvements to the Driver Manager utility, which will be based on PackageKit, and improved USB printer support.

There’s also great news for Chromium fans, as Linux Mint will start packaging the open source web browser for all supported releases based on the upstream source code, but with some patches from Debian and Ubuntu. A first test build is already available for download here. This should solve the Chromium Snap problem in Linux Mint.

Last but not least, Linux Mint 20.1 an improved Mint-Y theme with enlarged titlebar buttons for windows, improved tray icons for the Cinnamon desktop environment, and the usual bug fixes to make your Linux Mint experience more stable, secure and reliable.

The Linux Mint project is also workin a Sticky Notes app so you can create Post-It notes on your Linux Mint desktop, which can be organized into groups, as well as IPTV support for watching and recording IPTV on Linux Mint. But these are side projects and they need your feedback if they are to be implemented.

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