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Shotwell 0.32.0 Image Viewer Adds Support for JPEG-XL, AVIF, and WebP Images

Shotwell 0.32.0

Image created by Marius Nestor for - DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION

Shotwell 0.32.0 open-source image viewer is out today as an important update that promises support for more image formats, as well as a bunch of new features and improvements you may have missed.

Shotwell 0.32.0 is here to introduce support for new image formats, including AVIF, WebP, JPEG-XL, CR3, as well as more variants of HEIF/HVEC. It also introduces the ability to manually tag people in images, and the devs note the fact that automatic detection and recognition of people can now be enabled during compile time.

The graphical user interface has been updated as well in this release to add support for HiDPI displays for the image viewer, support for multiple accounts for publishing services, and simpler handling of hierarchical tags.

Other than that, Shotwell 0.32.0 adds initial handling of geographical data, noting the fact that the map display feature will likely make a comeback in the next major release, and introduces isolation for libraries and settings.

Some bugs that were present in previous releases have been addressed as well, such as generating of video thumbnails when debugging is enabled and displaying of duplicate tags in suggestion pop-ups.

Several language translations were also updated. You can download Shotwell 0.32.0 from here as a source tarball that you need to compile yourself on your GNU/Linux distribution. You should also be able to install it as a Flatpak app from Flathub in the coming days or from your distro’s stable repositories.

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