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KaOS Linux Celebrates 10 Years with New ISO Release Featuring KDE Plasma 6

KaOS Linux 10 Years

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KDE-focused and Arch Linux-inspired independent distribution KaOS Linux celebrates today 10 years of existence with a new stable ISO release that brings some of the latest GNU/Linux technologies and a preview of the upcoming KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment.

Yes, you’re reading it right, KaOS is one of the very first GNU/Linux distributions to offer you a live ISO image with a pre-release version of the KDE Plasma 6 desktop, which, of course, is compiled against the latest Qt 6 open-source application framework.

Now, don’t expect this to be a stable environment since work on KDE Plasma 6 just started a few months ago. But it’s nice to get a glimpse of the future, and since the KaOS Linux team is dedicated to bring us the latest KDE goodies, this just happened. You can download the KaOS Plasma 6 Preview ISO here.

“To look forward to the next ten years, there is also a Plasma 6 preview ISO available. This ISO is not installable, only meant to test in Live mode. The installer Calamares is not ready for Qt 6/Plasma 6, nor are there many KDE Applications available in their Qt 6 version,” reads the release announcement.

The stable KaOS 2023.04 ISO release on the other hand ships with the very latest KDE software, including the KDE Plasma 5.27.4 LTS desktop environment, KDE Frameworks 5.105 software suite, as well as KDE Gear 23.04 software suite, all compiled against Qt 5.15.9 LTS.

Under the hood, the KaOS 2023.04 release is powered by the latest and greatest Linux 6.2 kernel series, and ships with an up-to-date base consisting of systemd 253.3, CLang/LLVM 16.0.1, ZFS 2.1.10, OpenSSL 3.0.8, Python 3.10.11, SQLite 3.41.2, Dracut 059, GnuPG 2.4.0, libtiff 4.5.0, and libarchive 3.6.2.

Since this is a special ISO release, the devs also added an option to play music during the installation process. You can download KaOS 2023.04 right now from the official website or by clicking on the direct download button below.

KaOS Linux follows a rolling-release model where you install once and receive updates forever, so existing users need only to run the sudo pacman -Syu command in the terminal emulator to update their installations to the latest KDE software.

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