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You Can Now Install KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS on Kubuntu 22.10, Here’s How

KDE Plasma 5.27 Kubuntu

Image created by Marius Nestor for - DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION

Good news for Kubuntu 22.10 users as the latest and greatest KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS desktop environment series is now available for installation in the official Kubuntu Backports PPA repository.

Kubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) was released last year on October 20th with the KDE Plasma 5.25.5 desktop environment, but it quickly received the KDE Plasma 5.26 update a few days after its official release.

Now that KDE Plasma 5.27 is out and it’s also an LTS (Long-Term Support) series, it’s time to update your Kubuntu 22.10 systems once again to enjoy the best Plasma desktop experience to date, thanks to the Kubuntu Backports PPA effort by developer Rik Mills.

The KDE Plasma 5.27.1 point release arrived the other day in the Kubuntu Backports PPA repository for Kubuntu 22.10 systems alongside the KDE Gear 22.08.3 and KDE Frameworks 5.102 software suites. I know, they’re not the latest but they are better than the older versions available on Kubuntu’s repositories.

Without further ado, upgrading your Kubuntu 22.10 installations to KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS is as easy as installing the Kubuntu Backports PPA repository by running the command below, but not before updating your system.

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y full-upgrade
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports

Once the Kubuntu Backports PPA repository was successfully installed, you can upgrade your Kubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) installation to the KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS desktop environment by running the following commands.

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y full-upgrade

As you can imagine, this is a big update and it will take a while to complete, depending on your Internet speed and computer specs. Once all the packages are downloaded and installed, you must reboot your computer to enjoy the new KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS desktop environment.

KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS is a long-term supported version that will receive updates for a couple of years, so make sure that you keep the Kubuntu Backports PPA repository enabled and that you update your installations at all times.

Update 01/03/23: The Kubuntu Backports PPA repository was updated today to the latest KDE Frameworks 5.103 packages.

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