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Nitrux 2.0.1 Switches to Mesa 22.1 by Default for Linux Gaming, Adds KDE Plasma 5.24 LTS

Nitrux 2.0.1

Image made by Marius Nestor for - DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION

Uri Herrera announced today the release and general availability of Nitrux 2.0.1 as the latest stable ISO snapshot of this Debian-based and systemd-free GNU/Linux distribution built on top of the KDE Plasma desktop environment and featuring some of the latest GNU/Linux technologies.

The monthly Nitrux release cycle continues with Nitrux 2.0.1, which looks to be a small point release to last month’s massive Nitrux 2.0 update. It mostly contains updated core components and applications, starting with the kernel, which has been updated to Linux 5.16.11 in a XanMod flavor.

Nitrux continues to use the XanMod flavored kernel by default to provide users with a more stable, responsive, and smooth desktop experience, especially on newer hardware. XanMod is a general-purpose Linux kernel with custom settings and new features.

On top of that, the new release, Nitrux 2.0.1, ships with the unreleased (at the moment of writing) Mesa 22.1 open-source graphics stack for top-notch support for Linux gaming, along with a package to include udev rules that add compatibility for various input devices to work with Valve’s Steam Client.

Another great change in this release is the addition of the latest and greatest KDE Plasma 5.24 LTS desktop environment. More specifically, the KDE Plasma 5.24.2 update is present by default, which is accompanied by the KDE Frameworks 5.91 and KDE Gear 21.12.2 software suites.

Other than that, Nitrux 2.0.1 comes with the latest Mozilla Firefox 97 web browser and LibreOffice 7.3 office suite, as well as improvements to the network applet and other bug fixes. Also, the Communicator app was removed from the list of default applications.

If you want to give Nitrux a try on your personal computer, you can download the 2.0.1 ISO image right now from the official website or by clicking the direct download link below. The Minimal ISO has been updated as well with the same core components as the full ISO, however, the devs recommend that you do a manual partitioning with a tool like GParted before installing Nitrux using the Calamares installer due to a bug.

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