NVIDIA 510.47.03 Graphics Driver Released with Linux Kernel 5.17 and Vulkan 1.3 Support

NVIDIA 495.46

NVIDIA released today the 510.47.03 proprietary graphics driver for Linux, BSD, and Solaris platform, a major release that brings support for the latest and greatest GNU/Linux technologies and many improvements.

Two major changes are included in the NVIDIA 510.47.03 graphics driver that you should be aware of if you own an NVIDIA GPU. The first one is support for the upcoming Linux 5.17 kernel series, and the second one is support for the recently released Vulkan 1.3 graphics API.

Also new in this release is support for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 graphics card, AV1 decode support for the NVIDIA VDPAU driver, an indicator for Resizable BAR support on compatible systems, a GUI control for setting Image Sharpening values in the app profiles page of the nvidia-settings control panel, and an application profile to avoid an image corruption issue in the Blender app.

Furthermore, NVIDIA 510.47.03 introduces a new daemon called nvidia-powerd, which provides support for the Dynamic Boost feature on supported systems for improved performance, as well as a new module parameter called peerdirect_support to the nvidia-peermem.ko kernel module, to correctly support GPUDirect RDMA on MOFED 5.0 and older versions.

Vulkan support has been greatly enhanced in this release by adding support for new extensions, including VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering, VK_EXT_depth_clip_control, VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle, VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod, VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2, VK_KHR_maintenance4, VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product, VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart, VK_EXT_load_store_op_none, VK_KHR_present_id, VK_KHR_present_wait, and VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow.

In addition, NVIDIA 510.47.03 fixes a bug causing Vulkan apps to hang when the __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS environment variable was enabled, fixes a bug affecting Maxwell and Pascal GPUs, optimizes the Vulkan full-screen presentation path for X11 and direct-to-display swapchains, and fixes a bug in the Vulkan driver where the SPIR-V Centroid interpolation decoration wasn’t ignored when used in conjunction with FragCoord.

Several other bugs were fixed in the Vulkan driver, one where unreferenced descriptor bindings weren’t properly ignored in some situations, one where vkCmdBindDescriptorSets failed to properly handle pDynamicOffsets for compute pipelines, one where some Ray Tracing shaders would timeout, resulting in device loss, one where unused input attributes to a vertex shader would corrupt the interpolation qualifiers of the shader, and one where individual components of barycentric inputs couldn’t be read.

Among other noteworthy changes, the NVIDIA 510.47.03 graphics driver updates the nvidia.ko kernel module to load even if no supported NVIDIA GPUs are present when an NVIDIA NVSwitch device is detected, changes the minimum required Linux kernel version from Linux 2.6.32 to Linux 3.10, removes support for the NvIFROpenGL functionality, and removes support for the libnvidia-cbl.so library from the driver package.

Various other bugs and issues were addresses in this new release, so check out the release notes page to see if a previous issue that affected your system was resolved. From the same page, you’ll be able to download the NVIDIA 510.47.03 driver, which you can install on your GNU/Linux distribution using these instructions.

Last updated 2 years ago

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