KDE Plasma 5.20 Desktop Gets First Point Release, 45 Changes Included

KDE Plasma 5.20

The KDE Project released today the first point release to the latest KDE Plasma 5.20 desktop environment series, addressing various bugs and further improving the stability, usability and reliability.

KDE Plasma 5.20.1 is here only a week after the launch of KDE Plasma 5.20, which is one of the biggest and most polished releases of all time, to fix various annoyances or issues that might block the Plasma desktop from functioning correctly.

There are several Wayland fixes in this first point release to prevent the session from crashing when killing XWayland, correctly clip the mouse cursor clip, and forcing windows to re-open in the same state they were before being closed.

Also improved in KDE Plasma 5.20.1 is the hamburger menu in the Audio Volume applet for individual apps, which now works again, as well as the Sound page in System Settings, which now displays the right output for a multi-output device in the output combobox of the respective audio device.

Moreover, the Disks & Devices applet now displays a button to allow you to open non-removable devices with the file manager, the circular timeout indicator of the notification popup is now correctly positioned when using a HiDPI scale factor, and System Tray items now have the correct size and spacing on 24px panels.

KDE Plasma 5.20.1 also fixes a weird graphical glitch that affected blurred and partially transparent Breeze theme menus, causing the background to look ugly, a visual corruption issue with the tooltips for pinned icons-only Task Manager apps, as well as a loop crash in the kactivitymanagerd daemon.

There are a total of 45 changes in this maintenance update to the KDE Plasma 5.20 desktop environment, and you can check them all out in the full changelog.

The first Plasma 5.20 point release will soon be available for download from the stable software repositories of various GNU/Linux distributions, including Arch Linux, KDE neon, openSUSE Tumbleweed, Solus, and probably others. It is recommended that you update as soon as possible.

Last updated 4 years ago

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